Saturday, February 12

Wishful Thinking

Hi there. Me again.

Yeah , yeah, I know. My smile has gone missing. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm also missing an arm AND a leg. (Scroll back up and check.... yep. That's right. I wasn't even kidding.) At least I know where those are. The IRS. Sad, huh. 

I think the hardest part about paying taxes, is that you don't really know where your money is going. For all I know it could be passed along to corporate wiseguys that lounge around all day wearing ridiculous top hats and curling their mustaches. 


However,  if I knew it was going to a great cause, maybe I wouldn't feel so bad. It might even make me feel good. Like, maybe it's going to provide food for children that are hungry!

That wouldn't be so bad, that would be great! Eat up little buddies! Or maybe...

Wow! My money is helping fund public transportation! Cleaner air, and easier commuting for the young, the old, and all of us in between. What? The buses run on happy thoughts, and don't require us to deplete any natural resources in order for them to work? This isn't bad at all!

Oh, look! Even though they DID take my arm and my leg, they donated them to somebody who really needed them. I can't stay mad at the IRS for that! Get well soon Mr. Hadley! Take care of those!

Now, if I were really lucky, the government would save all the money that everyone gave them, and use it to sponsor a free ice cream day for America!

Honestly, if my taxes go to something as great as that, I'm happy to put in my share! Gee, I can't wait to find out when free ice cream day will be! I know I'll get an invitation, because I donated a lot to this cause! Until then, I guess I'll just grab a spoon and dive into the partially eaten half gallon in my freezer.
 Long live Double Fudge Brownie
Long Live America.
God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Really Cute Nikki Good Joob