Saturday, February 5

The Protector of Knowledge

       So, I've been thinking a lot lately, about nerds. Mostly because I love them, but also because the mystery of being one fascinates me. Nerds are smart. Like, really smart. Even when their choices cause others to mock them ruthlessly, I'm confident that they have a good reason for what they are doing.

      Using big words, getting misty eyed hearing about the latest computer program, and wearing trench coats over Incredible Hulk pajamas while in line at the grocery store, most of these things I have little to no understanding of.

       However, not to make myself sound insanely wise or anything, I think I've figured out the reasons behind the pocket protector. Yes, I know. Mind blowing. All I can tell you is that those nerds that insist on wearing these devices, are hands down the smartest of the smart people. They know what's at stake. Something exists within the pockets of nerds that requires protection. Something so big, that they must be willing to sacrifice their lives for it at any moment.

      Now, I can't honestly say I know for sure what the pocket holds that is worth so much. Maybe a pen, perhaps a pencil, maybe it isn't even within the pocket at all. It could be that the pocket covers an area of a humans chest that synthesizes ultra tricky information procedures. I may never know. But I do know that if you are indeed a nerd, you do need to commit to wearing a pocket protector daily. You never know what could happen...

Meet Hector.

And yes, I realize that with a name like like, the poor guy never really stood a chance. Which is why Hector, wisely, chooses to wear-


Let's see how this accessory helps Hector throughout his day.

Oh no! A people eating dinosaur is after Hector's knowledge about time travel! What will he do? 

DA da da daaaa! Pocket Protector Activated!

Whew! That was close! Looks like Hector is doing okay though.
Wait, a second, what's that spot on his shirt?


DA da da daaaa! Pocket Protector Activated!

That was close! Gee, that pocket protector sure is helpful! After such a stressful time, Hector needs a vacation. Maybe some underwater diving will relax him.

  What?! A laser beam enhanced octopus is going after Hector!!! Hector must be reeeeaaalllly smart to have so many things happening to him! I wonder if there's still time-

DA da da daaaa! Pocket Protector Activated!

Oh good! Way to go Hector!

      I think I've made my point. Pocket protectors are necessary devices that defend knowledge. Don't hate on those that wear them, because you never know when your thoughtless taunting will be mistaken as an actual threat.

      As a matter of fact, now that I have this knowledge about protecting knowledge, I should probably find a way to protect it...

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