Saturday, January 8


     Today is Saturday. It is winter, and freezing. I tell you this so that you'll understand my attire as I loaded the dishwasher this morning. While standard pajamas would have been acceptable all on their own for such a task, I decided that this being a Saturday morning, and so cold that my poor thermometer needle could literally not move any lower than it physically was, that I would jazz it up a bit. I added a cape. Well fine, it was a blanket to be precise, but honestly, you'd hardly know it from the way I pulled it off. Just tie two ends together into a makeshift knot, run around really fast, and you've got yourself a cozy crime fighting (and household chore) accessory!
     It got me thinking about how delightful blankets really are. If an item such as this is so willing to so gracefully abandon its identity to become, even momentarily, something as significant as a cape, it must be full of equally wonderful uses. I've decided to list some of them here, so that these uses can be appreciated by the multitudes. Or, at least, by myself if I ever (heaven forbid) ever forget how amazing blankets are. The very thought gives me shivers, which reminds me that I'm cold, and need a blanket. So let's cuddle up together and explore the world that is...the blanket!

  A Cape: As previously discussed, the blanket can be used as a cape. The wide variety of patterns available lend themselves to your unique crime fighting needs. Beware the length of blanket you choose though. Even blanket wielding crime fighters have their kryptonite, and it comes in the form of stairs and human uncoordination.

A Tent/Fort: If you are fortunate enough to have access to a blanket as well as two chairs, then you have the makings for a secluded personal hideaway. Get away from your worries by spreading the blanket across the high backs of these two sitting devices, and begin the relaxation process. Some additional items that may come in helpful are: a working flashlight, cookies, and a pillow.

A Castle: See the instructions for "Tent/Fort" and multiply it by a thousand. Try it, you'll thank me later.

A Game: 'Snug as a Bug' can be played using only a large size blanket, and an open floor space. Here's how you play:

1. Spread blanket out across floor space.
2. Lie down along one end of the blanket.
3. Grab edge of blanket and hold on tight!
4. Begin rolling towards middle of blanket, keeping a firm grip on the edge being held in step 3.
5. Keep rolling until blanket has been wound around your body mass several times.
6. Now you're 'Snug as a Bug'!

Note: To extricate yourself from this position, simply roll yourself in the opposite direction, until you've reached the edge noted in step 2. This game can be repeated as often as necessary. If you crave a more socially interactive version of this game, perhaps you may choose to upload a video of you playing it onto YouTube, so that friends and loved ones, and even total strangers may mock you at their hearts content.

Well, I think you have enough ideas to get you started, so I'm going to finish this up and retreat to my Fort. Don't judge me, just go build one yourself. Go do it right...NOW!     

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