Saturday, January 7

You Shouldn't Have. Really...

So I have this friend. And she’s in a bit of an awkward situation. Just so we’re all clear, this friend is really me, and this situation, my situation, is difficult to explain.  Have you ever found yourself in a position where people around you were all under the impression that you liked a certain thing? A character, a certain color, an animal, really it could be anything, but they all thought you just loved this certain thing? That, my dearest readers, is what this story is all about.

 One day you were just hanging out, and foolishly, oh so foolishly, picked up a goofy item and made a random comment, thinking nothing of it, “Oh, that looks cool” And then you moved on from that comment. You went right past it, lived your life, forgetting you ever did such a thing. It was a blip, a non-moment in your repertoire of big, defining moments.

Fast forward a month or so. You get a gift pertaining to that same item from so long ago. You’re a bit confused, but try to seem in the know… “Oh, yes, of course…a hat shaped like a (something, a duck, a frog, the country of France, whatever) hmm…okay…” And you’re all nodding, and the giver is smiling, and they’re clearly so pleased to be giving you this, and you’re starting to get that panicked lost look in your eyes when they mention, “You remember? That day when we went to the park/zoo/mall/restaurant and you said how much you loved this?”

Meanwhile, your brain is working overtime, searching desperately for anything you’ve ever said about loving this thing. This weird, useless, slightly creepy thing.  And then…you find it. That non-moment. That blip. “Oh yeeeaaahhh….” you say, “Wow, I… I can’t believe you remembered that…you are so…incredibly…thoughtful! Wow, thank you! Thank you so much!” The giver is genuinely happy; they have you pose for pictures with your newly acquired gift. The rest of the evening goes okay, and when it’s over, you pull out the item, shake your head, do that weird face where you’re trying to make sense of something that just doesn’t and won’t ever, and you stick it on a shelf.

Now, if it ended here, it wouldn’t be that bad. I mean, we’ve all gotten (and probably given) gifts like this. Ones that just missed the mark somehow, but were good intentioned and all that. Fine. But-some things have a tendency to keep cropping up. Birthdays, Christmas, Flag Day, you start to see a trend.  More and more energy is being dedicated to you receiving items similar to the original. Mugs, figurines, magnets, shirts, key chains, all focused on that one thing. One thing that, quite honestly, is just…okay. Nothing so spectacular that it would have you writing home about and starting a collection of it. A collection which, mind you, is growing bigger and more dangerous with each passing holiday.

Suddenly, you look around your room to discover that it has taken over. Shelves, nooks, drawers, hangers, this thing has crept itself into every aspect of your life. All because you said something looked cool once in front of an eerily observant human being. Note: this doesn’t seem to happen with awesome things, things that you actually wouldn’t mind taking hold of your style. As in, “Look at these chic European teacups my Aunt just sent me.” Or “Check out my super cute fifties glam sunglasses I just got!” No. This type of passion and focus sinks its claws only into cringe worthy items. Items that, if you had some and I also had some and we caught each other’s eye across the room, we would nod in mutual understanding, knowing exactly the path that had led the other there too.

So, my dilemma is as follows. How do you get something that has taken a life of its own to die down? Do you say something? Is there a point where you can’t say anything anymore? Should you let it continue, and not risk hurting the feelings of loved ones around you, who have so graciously bought into this little game and showered you with item upon useless item? I mean… I don’t know. I’m stuck.
 I’m sitting here, being glared at my the little beady eyes on all of these things, and I’m starting to get this sinking feeling that I’m the only one who knows what I’m talking about. Really? Anyone? Anyone at all who has gone through this, I’m reaching out. This is my cry for help. Am I really so ungrateful? So terrible? Maybe I am. But before you judge me, help me. Once I’m free, you can judge all you want. Until then, I’m counting on you. 

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