Saturday, December 31

The Conversation

Nicklebee the Author: (clears throat, pauses) Uhh..hey!

Invasion the Blog: (startled) Oh, oh, hey! Oh my gosh, hi! How are you?

N: I’m good, really good…

I: That’s good…

N: I was in the area, checking my email and stuff, and I just, well, you crossed my mind!

I: Oh, okay, that’s nice.

N: Yeah…so…I’m sorry. This is awkward…

I: What? No. No…well…yes…

N: It’s just that I’ve been so busy. You know, work and everything.

I: Well sure, I mean, you work so hard.

N: But still, it’s no excuse, I should have come by sooner.

I: It has been awhile. A long while actually. More like, well let’s see, months.

N: Oh, are you…are you mad at me?

I: Honestly, Nicklebee, what did you expect? You start this thing up, you post all these 
things, and then, one day you just disappear. Bam! Gone!

N: I know…

I: It’s not like I can do all of these things without you here. Believe me, I tried.

N: I’m…really sorry Invasion. Really. It’s just that…nothing ever seems good enough for you. I have these ideas, and I try to write them out, and they just turn into dumb stuff. And you deserve more! More than my feebleattemptstosoundwittyandtryandbefunnyand (deep breath I’m just…sorry, okay?

I: Wow. Umm…well, I guess I just…wow.

N: I just wanted you to have my best,and then when I couldn’t do it, I just avoided you.
And a week turned into two weeks,which turned into two months,which turned into now. 
And now we’re here.

I: Yes, yes we are. Umm, Nicklebee?

N: Yeah Invasion?

I: It’s okay you know. You don’t have to worry so much about this.

N: What? Of course I do. You’re my BLOG! I created you, and filled you with bright and shiny narratives, and then I , I just couldn’t for a minute, but…

I: But what?

N: I missed you. A lot.

I: You did?

N: Yeah. A lot a lot.

I: I missed you too.

N: I was thinking…there’s a new year coming up…

I: I’ve heard the same rumor.

N: And MAYBE, if you could forgive me…I could try again…

I: Don’t say this if you don’t mean it Nicklebee, I’m serious.

N: I’m serious too. I’ll really do better this time, promise!

I: Wow Nicklebee! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to hear about what you’ve been doing!

N: I know, right? I have sooo much to tell you!

I: (Sigh) Nicklebee?

N: Yeah Invasion?

I: It’s good to have you back.

N: It’s good to be back.  

Stay tuned for brand new musings from the mind of the Nicklebee!